WCPF Audio – Visuals – April 27th 2021

A selection of winning audio-visuals from the 2020 Western Counties Photographic Federation competition were selected and presented using Zoom, which contrary to some expectations and initial concerns, worked satisfactorily. Entries were classed in three main categories; Short – which related to presentations that were less than 4 minutes in length; Long – for presentations exceeding 4 minutes and a Photo-harmony section which allowed perticipants to demonstrate their skills in marrying images through appropriate transitions and strong harmonisation with the sound track.

The subject matter ranged widely from a light hearted look at the psychedelic 60’s to documentary type presentations on the Welsh slate industry, and personal connections therein, to the Italianate village of Portmeirion on the coast of N Wales. Religious and environmental presentations conveyed strong messages and showcased elegant transitions and effects. One can only marvel at the both the skill and patience that must have been used to achieve the final results.