Audio-Visual Evening – May 2nd 2023

Members were treated to a full evening of audio-visual presentations which had been entered into last year’s Western Counties Photographic Federation Competition. In total 30 AVs had been entered across 3 main categories: Short; Long and Photo-harmony.  Short related to presentations that were less than 4 minutes in length; Long included presentations exceeding 4 minutes and a Photo-harmony section enabled participants to demonstrate their skills in marrying images through appropriate transitions and strong harmonisation with the sound track. 

We progressed our way through the designated menu and referred to the judge’s comments after each AV to compare our perceptions and conclusions. It soon became obvious that we would not have sufficient time to view all the entries and towards the end of the evening we focused our attention on the winning entries in each category.

As always the subject matter was diverse ranging from documentary type AVs giving an insight into interesting historical scenarios exploring places both in the south west and far further afield to more abstract type productions. The common theme was that each told a story in its own particular way and the skill, patience and creativity that had been used to achieve the final results was evident for all to see. We will look forward to viewing the remaining AVs at a subsequent meeting.