Summer Photoshoot 3 – July 25th 2023

With an optimistic weather forecast in place, a small group of members ventured to the historic market town of Devizes for our third summer photoshoot.

Congregating by the Market Cross, with its gothic architectural style, tempted everyone to remove their lens caps and seek an advantageous viewpoint of the memorial. We then moved to the nearby ornate stone fountain erected in 1879 in memory of the local MP. From there we walked to the Wharf Centre and along the towpath enjoying the late evening bursts of sunshine that occasionally penetrated through a rather sullen sky. With several narrow boats moored at the wharf, some sun-bathing ducklings and canoeists on the canal there were plenty of photo-opportunities .

On reaching Caen lock we returned to the town centre noting the blue plaqued buildings along the way before taking some refreshments in the Bear Hotel. Just as we were leaving a photographer and her friend arrived outside and started taking some images for posting ahead of the subject’s upcoming wedding in Poland. So we enjoyed an added and unexpected bonus opportunity for some portrait photography in a street setting.

Pavement photography