Summer Photoshoot #3 – July 30th 2024

The weather gods, which last year had been unkind to our photoshoot evenings, blessed us with a clear blue sky and strong sunshine as we toured Lake Pochard, a private wildlife haven in the Cotswold Water Park area.

Our guide Jon Bastin walked us around the lake and then we traversed some walkways to a central island, where bird watching hides had been established, along with a variety of feeding stations to attract a wide range of birds and wildlife. A reflecting pool had been set up to provide more artistic photography opportunities.

Although we didn’t see a great deal of wildlife during our visit, the facilities were impressive, and there is a strong temptation to return in the spring for a longer visit.

Summer Photoshoot 3 – July 25th 2023


With an optimistic weather forecast in place, a small group of members ventured to the historic market town of Devizes for our third summer photoshoot.

Congregating by the Market Cross, with its gothic architectural style, tempted everyone to remove their lens caps and seek an advantageous viewpoint of the memorial. We then moved to the nearby ornate stone fountain erected in 1879 in memory of the local MP. From there we walked to the Wharf Centre and along the towpath enjoying the late evening bursts of sunshine that occasionally penetrated through a rather sullen sky. With several narrow boats moored at the wharf, some sun-bathing ducklings and canoeists on the canal there were plenty of photo-opportunities .

On reaching Caen lock we returned to the town centre noting the blue plaqued buildings along the way before taking some refreshments in the Bear Hotel. Just as we were leaving a photographer and her friend arrived outside and started taking some images for posting ahead of the subject’s upcoming wedding in Poland. So we enjoyed an added and unexpected bonus opportunity for some portrait photography in a street setting.

Pavement photography

Summer Photoshoot 1 – June 27th 2023

Whilst the weather gods spared us from rain, they bestowed us with a very cloudy and overcast evening and generally poor lighting conditions. Nevertheless, a number of members met in the center of Malmesbury and visited the main sights such as the Market Cross and the 12th century Abbey and its grounds.

After having explored many of the viewpoints that each attraction offered, we adjourned to a local hostelry for a well deserved drink and to chat about photographic matters in their widest sense.

Summer Photoshoot #3 – July 20th 2021

Our third summer photoshoot took place at The Lawns in the old town area of Swindon. The Lawns is a large park area of 50 acres and was formerly part of the Goddard estate. It was also the site of Swindon’s original parish church – Holy Rood – which nowadays just has a couple of arches remaining. It also features two lakes, woodland, the remains of an Italian sunken garden and a small part of the original house has a number of trails. The woodlands in particular have some very impressive, mature trees.

The park has a relaxing atmosphere and this combined with the early evening heat probably explained the lethargy that some members felt as they searched out new and interesting viewpoints for images. Whilst no-one felt they had managed to capture any competition worthy images, nevertheless acquaintances were renewed and we managed some exercise in the process.

.The Lawns 4 The Lawns 3 The Lawns 5

Summer Photoshoot #2 – July 5th 2021

With a dark and ominous looking sky at 6.30 pm, some intrepid club members set off on the journey to Cricklade for our second photoshoot of the summer. By the time the short journey had been completed the sky had cleared and we were bathed in evening sunshine. After photographing the Jubilee Clock outside the Vale Hotel, we made our way to St Sampson’s parish church. Unfortunately we were not able to access the interior of the building but instead focused on its imposing structure and the various crosses in the churchyard.

From there we walked the High Street, passing St Mary’s church and some fine Georgian town houses before reaching the Town bridge and the curiously named “The Stank”. A group of boy scouts and guides were building a wooden bridge to cross the River Thames which provided some interesting observations. The Cornishman in our group spotted the fact that the Red Lion offered St Austell Brewery beers so we finished the evening with a well deserved pint.

Summer Photoshoot #1 – June 22nd 2021

To ease ourselves into the Summer photoshoot programme that runs from June until end August, the Town Gardens in Swindon was selected as our first location to visit. For once the weather gods looked upon us favourably and, after an overcast day, the sun appeared and we were able to enjoy a pleasant evening glow.

Laid out in a former quarry of Purbeck stone, owned by the Goddard family, the gardens offer a variety of features including an aviary, small pond, cherry tree lined central path, rose garden, flower displays, bandstand and a sunken garden. So there was a good range of subjects to photograph and the opportunity to experiment with some less familiar camera settings.

An unusual feature along the northern boundary of the rectangular garden is an entrance porch with iron turnstiles and brick pillars that leads to a domed bandstand in Art Deco style, called the Concert Bowl. In normal times this hosts musical events but access is currently not allowed.

The tranquil atmosphere is the gardens made for a relaxing time, wandering around and trying to capture some images that the other attendees may not have spotted.

Old Town Gardens Old Town Gardens

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Summer Photoshoot #3 – August 18th 2020


For our visit to Mouldon Hill Country Park, the weather gods were relatively kind to us – the rain held off and the sun appeared at the start of the evening. Members congregated in the car park and then walked around the lake and explored the River Ray. No one found the North Wilts canal that flows through the park. Also the 100 metre gill over the River Ray proved elusive but we weren’t entirely sure what we were looking for and perhaps we just didn’t walk far enough to find it!

Moulden Hill Park Lake

Mouldon Hill Park Lake


 After an initial burst of sunshine, the light rapidly deteriorated and resulted in a premature end to the visit. However by this time the attendees had enjoyed some fresh air, exercise and the opportunity to capture some peaceful images of the lake and its surroundings. The foragers amongst us noted the numerous blackberry and sloe bushes, which will require a separate visit.


Photoshoot #2 – August 4th 2020


Our second summer photoshoot took place in Calne where we explored the town’s historic Heritage Quarter, This is an area within the town that is full of character and charm. Some of the main sights include the Proclamation Steps, St Mary’s Church, the Green, the Heritage Centre and the tiny Almshouses. The town’s historical connection with the cloth industry is evidenced by Weavers House at The Green which for five centuries was the heart of the cloth making industry following an influx of Flemish weavers who settled here in the 1300s..

Calne Sculpture

Famous people associated with the town include Joseph Priestley, the man who ‘discovered’ oxygen and Jan Ingen Housz, the man who identified photosynthesis, poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Harris Brothers, whose bacon factory was a huge employer in the area. 
