Members were invited to bring along some prints and also send in dpis that could be critiqued on the night. In preparation, some guidelines and headings had been circulated which were revisited at the start of the meeting to ensure a structured and consistent approach was taken.
For prints, we set up tables and shared out the images, which were critiqued in turn, and key comments noted on a critique sheet, The original plan had been to swop images between tables but the process took longer than expected so we were not able to compare critiques on the same image from each table. However, the critiques from each table were shared and discussed with the conclusion that it seemed easier to revert to the more technical aspects of an image as opposed to the emotional significance and feelings that it invoked.
Dpi critiques were provided collectively and the author also had the opportunity to share some insight into why and how the particular image had been taken and what they had set out to achieve.
The evening was quite a tiring one but infornative, with the importance of self- critiquing ones images and the difficulties that judges face in critiquing open subject competitions, being key take aways.