Tuesday 26th April 2016 – Macro photography presentation by Michelle Whitmore

The Club enjoyed an unusual and insightful evening of macro-photography containing lots of useful information and tips on identifying subject matter and then successfully producing macro-images.

The first presentation looked at macro-photography in the garden through the seasons and contained many examples of the diverse range of insect and animal life that can be attracted into your garden through the careful and thoughtful selection of flowers and plants, providing sustenance and shelter. Equipment and techniques were revealed along with many varied images of common garden inhabitants, from the sluggish snail to the flitting damselfly.

In the second half, things got decidedly scary with an enthralling presentation on Extreme macro-photography where magnifications greater than 1:1 are used. The equipment required and stacking software were explained and illustrated with some very “different” images ranging from insects and exo-skeletons to feathers, flowers and seed heads. Incredible detail, textures, colours and sometimes spine-chilling details can be obtained through stacking multiple images, often with over 30 images being overlaid to create a large depth of field.

Michelle ably demonstrated that with good observation skills, patience and planning, some great macro images can be obtained without venturing far from your back garden.

By Peter Hodgson